What is the product or service and what are its features?
Make a list of specifications, components, & other details.
• How is it delivered and how does the prospect pay for the service?
• How has it been marketed before?
• How is it used in everyday application?
• What sets it apart in the marketplace?
What are the benefits to the customer?
Make a list of the tangible and intangible benefits.
• How will the target be better off for using this product?
• Does it save time or money? If so, how much?
• Are there metrics to back this up?
• What trade-offs might be in play?
example: higher quality usually means higher price
What are the two strongest benefits?
Rank them—concentrate on the two strongest. This is your platform, the audience will walk away with one main idea. Be as objective and specific as possible.
• What should the main take-away be?
What support is there for the benefits?
Get test data, focus group reports, user testimonials—proof of benefit claims. Accept only facts, not opinions; only specifics, not generalizations.
• Is there a customer-satisfaction initiative, online help chat, a money-back guarantee?
What similar products/services are available and how good are they?
The competitive market—get names, specifications, prices, good and bad features.
• Did a key competitor launch a new service for a similar product?
What creative considerations, limitations or mandates do you face?
Examples: budget, schedule, size paper, use of color, number of photographs/illustrations, corporate standards, personal likes/dislikes (tread carefully here).
Who will take care of the components of the creative product?
Discuss these and identify areas to expand your involvement.
• Copy? Photography? Illustration? Printing? Back-end coding?
What are the methods of distribution?
• Where will the ad run, the brochure be used, the mailer be sent the banner be placed?
Who is in the approval loop?
Don't assume anything. Find out how many people must review the project during the creative process. Ask them to be present for the creative presentation. A word of advice, junior people should not be relied upon for an official stamp of approval. Don't be dismissive of them, they someday may be the person who signs off on your creative.
What is the timeframe?
Do not, I repeat, do not be pressured into an accelerated timeline in a client meeting. You will regret it and you will lose money. Tell the the client a detailed schedule will be a part of the forthcoming creative strategy. Need you say more?
Your follow-up is all-important
1. Take the time to type a report based on this information.
2. Keep it in the folder with the job.
3. Send a follow-up e-mail no later than 24-hours after the meeting.
4. Get to work on that forthcoming creative strategy and timeline.
Yes, my creative friends, it takes a bit of hustle to follow-up. Believe me, it will pay off in the long run for you and your client relationship. You will have set yourself miles ahead of other designers.
© Copyright 2009 Guy Arceneaux All rights reserved